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muscle testing

Muscle Testing and Psychotherapy


MMTMuscle testing in the psychotherapy context is sometimes referred to as behavioral kinesiology, having emerged from the more comprehensive discipline known as applied kinesiology. Sometimes it is referred to as energy checking. Whatever its proper name, in working with clients, it is an indispensible aid to steer the ship safely and efficiently through stormy seas.

Did you know that most varieties of therapy orientations are variations of talk therapy? Ask any twenty counselors or therapists randomly chosen from the phone book how they conduct their interactions with clients and most if not all will tell you talk therapy. They may call it psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral or narrative therapy but essentially it falls under the rubric of talk therapy. There is always value in talking things out to vent, process your thoughts and feelings or generate some insight but it is often very difficult getting to the heart of the matter using these talk therapy approaches in any expeditious manner.Read More »Muscle Testing and Psychotherapy

Another Case of Soul Stealing

A client came in today feeling dispirited with life in general. She had been feeling well and in-fact had facilitated a personal growth weekend with a group of women the previous week. She suspected she was dissociated and when muscle testing, it was determined that she was only 20 percent connected to her physical body. She did not know why but  was just feeling blue and lethargic. I ended up doing frontal occipital holding and was told by one of my guides that she had no energetic boundaries with any of her female clients and one in particular. When I shared this with her, she recounted that there was one woman in the workshop she facilitated that kept challenging her power and authority as the workshop leader. The last evening of the workshop, when my client was tired from holding the space for all the participants all weekend, this other woman co-opted the group to follow her lead as she became in charge.
Read More »Another Case of Soul Stealing