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Bugged by the Flu

The flu viruses of 2013 are getting quite a bit of press lately, what with Boston and New York declaring health emergencies and using the word epidemic! Are you anxious yet? Hoping to find a clinic or a pharmacy with some flu vaccine for a flu shot? Wondering if you will fall victim to this nasty bug that is reputed to be highly contagious? Carrying around your bottle of alcohol gel? Worried about whether or not to mingle in public or just quarantine yourself? I have a few thoughts about this year’s flu epidemic.

First off, “catching the flu” is allowing yourself to become vulnerable to being invaded by a foreign intruder, in this case a virus. The entire concern thus becomes a boundary issue for if your energetic boundaries are too porous or insubstantial that a virus invades your body, you have a big problem. It’s no fun lying in bed with the flu and a nasty fever and cough for days on end. As someone recently characterized this experience, it’s just misery. People who are codependent allow other people to invade them in different ways. Sometimes it is verbal, sometimes physical or sexual. Codependents are overly accommodating to others’ wishes and desires and often end up becoming victims of other peoples’ selfish needs and habits. Their codependency is itself a habit wherein one simply is insubstantial and is either unwilling or unable to protect themself by saying NO to others.

The media constantly informs us about the latest news, instantly. Anything that can potentially create fear will sell more news. Now that we all know that the flu viruses are circulating en masse, and that the flu shot vaccine is running out in many cities, what might one do to prevent its invasion into one’s personal space (i.e., your body)? This becomes a boundary issue. One thing that is important is to assess yourself regarding your attitudes about catching the flu. This will determine the degree of your vulnerability to become invaded. The news constantly is updating us about how much more widespread the flu viruses are proliferating. Perhaps it would be prudent to stop listening, watching and reading about this proliferation and develop some strategies to insure YOU will not be a victim to these viruses. That would be a helpful first step.

Next start to program your subconscious mind by making some decisions about how you will maintain excellent energetic boundaries with the flu viruses so you will not be vulnerable to becoming invaded. Don’t become codependent with the flu viruses—it’s just not worth it. So be practical—start saying NO to becoming invaded by the flu (and anybody for that matter). I am not suggesting becoming cavalier about this, but instead simply deciding you will do what is necessary to stay healthy during this period of greater concentrations of the proliferating flu viruses. From what I have gathered, I have some suggestions:


  1. Turn off any more news about the flu. You will continue to hear about it anyway indirectly as the “epidemic” becomes more widespread and we start hearing detailed stories of people suffering various symptoms and ending up in the emergency room, et. al. This is a way to prevent your subconscious mind from becoming programmed by the media to become a victim of the “very aggressive” form of the flu of 2013. People do end up becoming traumatized from the media after all. Maintaining firm boundaries with the media is a very good choice in general, but particularly at this time.
  2. Do what you know is necessary for you to boost your immune system so it is optimized during this winter season. Perhaps that means increasing vitamin C or eliminating sugar or not overeating so your digestion works more efficiently. Maybe it means making sure you get enough sleep so your body is not weak and tired but strong and rested. Exercise helps support the immune system and maintain a more upbeat feeling overall. Adding some supplements will not only boost your immune system but work toward programming your subconscious mind (each and every time) that you are going out of your way to be conscientious to take care of your body and optimize its resistance to any viruses out there. For some people, getting the flu shot will help support the subconscious mind that they are protected (even though the stats suggest it provides only a 62% protection against “most” flu viruses out there).
  3. Do a daily or regular energetic practice to keep your energetic field as robust as possible. This might mean doing EFT or thymus thump or stimulating your chakras regularly, even daily. Qigong would be helpful, as would acupuncture. All of these strategies work synergistically to creating and maintaining a positive mental attitude, devoid of fear, that contribute to maintain strong energetic boundaries with the flu and cold viruses circulating among us. Every November, I start checking with muscle testing to make sure I have strong energetic boundaries with the flu and cold viruses starting to circulate. I regularly recheck them, especially when the media starts jumping all over the current annual epidemic.
  4. I would also suggest that washing our hands regularly is a way to also support our subconscious beliefs about our unavailability to the flu and cold germs that linger on everything we touch. Why not wash a bit more conscientiously?

Did I leave anything out? If you have some suggestions, please let me know as I will be glad to hear about them. Really, there is no good reason why any of us have to fall prey to the flu since we are always in relationship to microbes and without the help from the media, most of the time we remain healthy. These winter months should not be any different. If you feel confidant and stay in your power around other people each and every day, the long odds are that you will maintain your excellent health throughout the winter months.

Best wishes for your health and well-being.

Posted by Howard Brockman, LCSW

January 15, 2013.

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Howard Brockman, LCSW is one of the top psychotherapists and counselors in Salem Oregon for over 32 years. Howard has authored two popular books: Dynamic Energetic Healing and Essential Self-Care for Caregivers and Helpers. To learn more about Howard Brockman, please visit the full bio.

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