Dynamic Energetic Healing
About DEH™
Howard Brockman, LCSW ...

Howard Brockman, LCSW is a psychotherapist who has been in private practice since 1981. He is a Diplomate in Clinical Social Work, The American Psychotherapy Association and the Director of DEH International™, the certification program for Dynamic Energetic Healing® (see Trainings). He has a master’s degree in Social Ethics/Religious Studies from the University of Southern California and a master’s degree in Social Work from Portland State University. He also has 20 years experience in Kundalini Yoga and meditation practices. With extensive training in processwork, core shamanism (since 1981) and energy psychology, he has created a unique synthesis of psychospiritual healing methods that awakens the power of applied human consciousness. These methods come together powerfully in Dynamic Energetic Healing®. Howard is married with two sons and two Samoyeds. He resides in Salem, Oregon.

Mission Statement ...

Teach others to:

  1. Learn to use energy-based principles and applications in order to establish and maintain harmony with self and others.

  2. Appreciate how essential and vital spiritual resources are to live an empowered life.

  3. Acknowledge we are energetic beings.

  4. Live life free of constricting and binding trauma from past woundings.

  5. Wake up to the fact we live in two realities and learn how to move back and forth between them, bringing healing and wisdom from the nonordinary realms to this ordinary reality.

  6. Learn how to establish and maintain a life path in alignment with your intent guided by your heart.

  7. Become teachers and facilitators of Dynamic Energetic Healing®.

  8. Transform psychotherapy to become more accessible and consistently effective.

  9. Help to alleviate the pain and suffering of all people everywhere.

© 2005 Howard Brockman :: Site updated Summer '10 :: Privacy Policy