
Title: Dynamic Energetic Healing®: Integrating Core Shamanic Practices with Energy Psychology Applications and Processwork Principles

Author: Howard Brockman MA, MSW, LCSW

Publisher: Columbia Press, LLC

Publication Date: February 2006

Book genre(s): Psychology/Shamanism/Energy Medicine

Hardcover ISBN 10: 0-9766469-3-5

Hardcover ISBN 13: 978-0-9766469-3-8

Endorsements: (as of 1.13.07)

"It is a daunting task indeed to integrate the worlds of Energy and Archetypal psychology into a new framework that holds both and is greater than either. Howard has done this comprehensively, elegantly and gracefully. His synthetic work certainly moves the field of psychology forward.
Andrew Hahn, Psy.D., Founder of Guided Self Healing

“In his Dynamic Energetic Healing theory and methods, Howard Brockman creatively bridges shamanism and body oriented psychological healing practices to create new methods to heal trauma and help integrate body, mind, and spirit. This book is easily read and very practical for both therapists and clients.”
Arnold Mindell, Ph.D., author of The Quantum Mind and Healing: How to Listen and Respond to Your Body’s Symptoms.

“The world of psychotherapy is in constant flux. Howard Brockman has brought a novel perspective to this field. His theoretical description demonstrates a deep knowledge of several healing traditions from various parts of the globe.”
– Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., co-author of Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them

“Dynamic Energetic Healing® helps to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western medicine, offering us new ways to approach client work and our common goal of planetary healing.”
– Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., author of Shaman, Healer, Sage

“Howard Brockman provides a wealth of information, creatively synthesizing ancient spiritual healing practices with modern psychotherapy to create a holistic approach to healing. This book contains powerful healing!”
– Sandra Ingerman, MA, author of Soul Retrieval and Medicine for the Earth

Contact Information:

Howard Brockman MA, MSW, LCSW
Columbia Press, LLC
1620 Commercial Street SE Suite 200
Salem, Oregon 97302
voice: 503.370.4546
fax: 503.363.4206

email: orders@DynamicEnergeticHealing.com

online: www.DynamicEnergeticHealing.com

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